Meet Ayden

Ayden is an 11 year old boy from Mccomb, MS.

He is the eldest son of Anah and Blaine. He has a baby brother, Dean, aged 2.

Ayden was diagnosed with Ependymoma on February 8th 2021.  

Ayden had his first brain surgery in February of 2021 in Jackson, MS at the children’s hospital. Afterwards he began radiation, then chemotherapy. During chemotherapy the doctors realized that the treatment wasn’t working, the tumor was continuing to grow back.

Chemotherapy was stopped at that point and Ayden had his second brain surgery in October of 2021.  

Ayden had an amazing 11 months cancer free.  

September 2022, Aydens cancer had returned.

St. Jude’s of Memphis, TN agreed to take Ayden on as a patient.

In November of 2022, Ayden underwent 2 more brain surgeries. Afterwards, Ayden received more radiation.

Ayden is now currently back at home in McComb, MS on hospice care, due to no other treatment options available.

He is comfortable and happy.

Cancer may have taken a lot from Ayden but it can not take his spirit


Meet Jude


Meet Krew