Meet Krew

At 5 months old, Krew developed what was believed to be a mosquito bite on his forehead that turned into Cellulitis. After several rounds of antibiotics and a couple of months later, the mosquito bite refused to go away. 

The dermatologist at Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital in Jackson, MS, sent Krew to get a MRI to make sure the bump did not have any connection to his brain. Later that day, October 26, 2020, the dermatologist sent Krew for blood work.

Krew was then diagnosed at 7 months old with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B-Cell. Three days later, Krew was transferred to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital for treatment.

Krew was resilient during treatment.

He rarely let the chemo get him down. He soared on without any complications.

August 20, 2021, almost 1 year into treatment, Krew relapsed in his Cerebral Spinal Fluid. The doctors got him back into remission within a week and continued on with the protocol.

Krew’s oncologist watched him very closely, and after 100s of medications, weekly (sometimes 2 times a week) lumbar punctures with chemo, and monthly bone marrow aspirations, Krew finished treatment on October 5, 2022. 

Two months later, December 3, 2022 at the age of 2, Krew relapsed for the 2nd time in his Cerebral Spinal Fluid — this time with a gene that can switch his ALL to AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) which is a much more aggressive type of Leukemia.

The oncologists have stated that this is a very rare type of relapse.

Krew is 1 in a million.

Krew is now 3 years old and in the fight for his life and will have a Bone Marrow Transplant in order to save his life. 

Krew and his family are from a small town called Winona, Mississippi. He is the son of Bryan and Tara Polston and is the youngest of 5 children.

He has a big sister (Kelsey), brother (Logan), sister (Tynleigh), and brother (Bryson).

Krew’s big sister, Tynleigh (age 6) will be his saving grace and has agreed to donate her bone marrow to him. She is the only person out of everyone on the Bone Marrow Registry that is a 100% match! 

Krew is currently in the hospital at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital battling an unexpected illness caused by a preventative medication that he was on and is expected to come out strong with only a few complications. Krew and his sister, Tynleigh, will start prepping for the transplant in the next couple of weeks.

Follow “Krew’s Crew” on Facebook for updates on Krew’s journey.

Click HERE to donate items for the Polston family’s extended hospital stay using Amazon.

Click HERE to order a “Construction Krew” candle or diffuser.


Meet Ayden


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